The tweak panel is used to adjust the settings on the currently selected voice.

- Pitch Shift Controls: the slider and spinner controls give you fine control of the pitch shift for the selected alias.
- Timbre Shift Controls: the slider and spinner controls give you fine control of the timbre shift for the selected alias.
- Timbre Strength Controls: the slider and spinner controls give you fine control of the timbre strength for the selected alias.
- Pre/Post EQ: Select which EQ you would like to change. Pre EQ is before morphing, Post EQ is after morphing.
Graphic Equalizer: provides controls for the 10-band graphic equalizer. This gives you fine control over the sound contour of your voice.
Click to learn more - Restore Voice button: Push this button to restore the Voice Doctor settings to the current voice.
- Reset Voice button: Push this button reset the current voice, but to not apply Voice Doctor settings.
Run Voice Doctor button: Push this button to rerun the Voice Doctor and apply new settings to all the voices.
Click to learn more - Select the audio visualization.
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